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Invalid form.[E020-22]

Check Request/Reimbursement Request


  • Please fill out completely with description of reimbursement.
  • Attach a file/picture/scan of each receipt or supporting documentation.
    • Checks will not be provided without a receipt or supporting documentation.
  • A reimbursement check will be mailed to the address provided on your form (volunteers) or left in your box in the staff room (teachers and administrators) within 2 weeks.
  • If additional information is needed, our treasurer will reach out to you at the email address you provided on the form.
  • Questions? Please e-mail our treasurer at


Reimbursement Information
Preferred Email Address


What is your mailing address? (Enter N/A for staff as reimbursements will be left in your mailbox at Haynes)

Reimbursement Information

Expense #1

Expense #2

Expense #3

Expense #4

Expense #5