HOP General Meetings are open to all parents and community members. Your input and feedback are essential to help us shape our plans!


If you’d like to be included on the meeting agenda, please reach out to the HOP Secretary at hopdirectoryservices@gmail.com. These meetings are a great opportunity to get firsthand information about what’s happening at the school.


We especially encourage event and committee chairpersons to attend, as your presence is valuable for effective planning and coordination.



Meeting Minutes


2023-24 School Year

HOP General Meeting Slides Nov 2023

HOP General Meeting Minutes April 2024

2022-23 School Year

HOP General Meeting Minutes June 2023

HOP General Meeting Minutes Nov 2022

2021-22 School Year

HOP General Meeting Minutes May 2022


HOP General Meeting Minutes Mar 2019

HOP General Meeting Minutes Jan 2019


HOP General Meeting Minutes Oct 2018

HOP General Meeting Minutes May 2018

HOP General Meeting Minutes Mar 2018

HOP General Meeting Minutes Jan 2018